I will present the Consensus, Settled Science solution to
the parallel plane black body radiator problem and demonstrate that it is wrong. I will show that it exaggerates the energy of
electromagnetic radiation between the two planes by as much as a factor of two
as their temperatures approach one another. As a result, the calculations of the so-called Consensus, Settled Science dealing with thermal radiation very often result in violations of the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Their calculations of thermal radiation greatly exaggerate the density of the infrared photon radiation in the atmosphere and the extent of the absorption of infrared radiation by infrared-active molecules, commonly called greenhouse gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. Their theory of the transport of heat energy between the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere and through the atmosphere is very wrong. It exaggerates the role of thermal radiation greatly and minimizes the role of the water evaporation and condensation cycle and the role of thermal convection. It cannot be emphasized enough how harmful their mishandling of thermal radiation calculations is to their understanding of the critical issues pertaining to the Earth's climate and to man's role in changing the climate through the use of carbon-based (fossil) fuels.
In the case in which the two black body parallel plane radiators have the same
temperature, the volume between them becomes that of a black body radiator. The fundamental characteristic of a black body radiator is the constant energy density in the cavity. I will show that the so-called settled science treatment, which wrongly takes the primary characteristic of a black body radiator to be that the power of emission of radiant energy is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law, clearly violates the real principal
characteristic of a black body cavity, namely that its constant energy density, e, is given
by Stefan’s Law as
e = aT4,
where T is the temperature in Kelvin, a
is Stefan’s Constant of 7.57 x 10-16 J/m3K4
, and e is in Joules per cubic meter.
Numerous critics of the consensus science on catastrophic
man-made global warming have argued that the Second Law of Thermodynamics claims that energy only
flows from the warmer body to the colder body, but the consensus scientists
have argued that thermodynamics only applies to the net flow of energy. I have long argued that the reason that
radiant energy only flows from the warmer to the cooler body is because the
flow is controlled by an electromagnetic field and an energy gradient in that
field. I will offer that proof in this
paper. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is not invoked as the basis of the proof in this paper, but the minimum energy of a system consistent with the Second Law of Thermodynamics does turn out to be a consistent solution to the problem of thermal radiation, while the Consensus, Settled Science theory of thermal radiation does not minimize the system total energy, does not produce the correct energy density of a black body cavity, and is not consistent with the Conservation of Energy. I have pointed out its failure to conserve energy in many prior posts.
a black body cavity, the electromagnetic radiation is in equilibrium with the
walls of the cavity at a temperature T. The energy density e is the mean
value of
½ E·D + ½ H·B,
E is the impressed electric field, D is the displacement, which differs
from E when the medium is polarized (i.e., has dipoles),
H is the impressed magnetic field
and B is the magnetic polarization
of a medium. If the cavity is under vacuum, then D = E and B = H in the cavity volume and |E| = |H|, so e equals |E|2. The mean value of the
energy density of the electromagnetic field in the cavity depends on the temperature and is created by the oscillating dipoles and higher order electric poles in the cavity walls. The energy density is independent of the volume of the cavity.
The radiation pressure on the cavity walls is proportional to the energy
This physics may be reviewed by the reader in an excellent textbook called Thermal Physics by Philip M. Morse, Professor of Physics at MIT, published in 1965 by W.A. Benjamin, Inc., New York. Prof. Morse wrote it as a challenging text for seniors and first-year graduate students. I was fortunate to use it in a Thermodynamics course at Brown University in my Junior year. Alternatively, see my post The Greenhouse Gas Hypothesis and Thermal Radiation -- A Critical Review.
Inside a black body cavity radiator at a temperature T, the energy density, or the energy per unit
volume of the vacuum in the cavity is constant in accordance with Stefan’s
Law. If one opens a small peephole in
the wall of the black body cavity, the energy density just inside that peephole
is the energy density of the black body cavity and that energy density is
proportional to the square of the electric field magnitude there. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law states that the flow
rate of energy out of the peephole when the black body cavity is surrounded by
vacuum and an environment at T = 0 K, is given as the power P per unit area of the peephole as
P = σT4
Note that P = (σ/a) e and that e in the T=0K sink is
equal to zero. A change of energy density in the vacuum volume immediately inside the peephole into the black body cavity as given by Stefan's Law to a value of zero in the T=0K outside environment causes a power of thermal radiation emission out of the peephole to the outside environment as given by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law.
Why is it that a surface which is not a peephole into a
black body cavity might act like a black body radiator? It has to be that the energy density very,
very close to that surface has the characteristic of the energy density in a
black body cavity radiator, namely that
e = aT4.
Any flow of energy out of the surface due to its
temperature T must be caused by this electromagnetic field energy density at
the surface generated by the vibrational motion of electric charges in the
material of the surface. Such flow of energy from the surface only occurs to regions with an energy
density that is lower. There is no flow
of energy from the inside wall of a black body radiator because the energy
density everywhere inside the cavity at equilibrium is equal. P from the interior walls is everywhere zero. A non-zero P is the result of a non-zero Δe.
In fact, while it is commonly claimed that photons inside the cavity are being 100% absorbed on the walls and an equal amount of radiant energy is emitted from the absorbing wall, the actual case is that the radiant energy incident upon the walls can be entirely reflected from the walls. Planck had derived the frequency spectrum of a black body cavity from an assumption of complete reflection from the walls.
Here is the problem of the parallel plane black body
radiators diagrammed, where TC is the cooler temperature and TH
is the warmer temperature:

Let us first consider the case that each plane is alone
and surrounded by an environment of space at T=0. Each plane has a power input that causes the
plane to have its given temperature. Each plane radiates electromagnetic energy at a rate per unit surface
area of
P = σT4.
Consequently, if neither plane were in the presence of
the other and each plane has a surface area of A on each side and PCO , PCI , PHO , and PHI are all radiation powers per unit area, we have
since in equilibrium the power input is equal to the
power output by radiation.
In the consensus viewpoint, shared by many physicists and
by almost every climate scientist, the parallel plane black body radiators
above are believed to emit photons from every surface of each plane even in the
presence of the other plane with a power per unit area of
PH = σTH4 and PC
= σTC4,
just as they would if they were not near one another and
they only cast off photons into a sink at T = 0 K. This viewpoint takes the emitted radiation as a primary property of the surfaces rather than an electromagnetic field with a known energy density as the primary property of the surfaces.
Thus, when these planes are in one another's presence this consensus viewpoint says that
= 2AσTC4
- AσTH4
= 2AσTH4
- AσTC4
Note that PC becomes zero at TC =
0.8409 TH and below that temperature PC is negative or a
cooling power in addition to radiative cooling.
If TH = 288K, then TC = 242.2K, the effective
radiative temperature of the cooler plane to space if the cooler plane is
thought of as the atmosphere and the warmer plane is the surface of the
Earth, both the atmosphere and the surface act like black body radiators, and the atmosphere receives only radiant energy from the surface. This is in agreement with calculations
I have presented in the past and is a result which I believe to be correct under the assumptions,
even though in some critical respects this consensus viewpoint is wrong.
If these planes were isolated from one another and each
plane faced only that T = 0 K vacuum, then one would have
eH = aTH4 and eC
= aTC4,
because these are black body radiator surfaces. PHI when the hotter plane is surrounded by T=0 environment provides the photon flow near the emitting surface which causes the local energy density to be
eH = aTH4 in this case.
e = (a/σ) PHI + (a/σ) PCI = aTH4
+ aTC4
anywhere between the two planes, because photons have
energy no matter which direction they are traveling and they do not annihilate one another based on their direction of travel. The total energy between the planes is that of the electric field or it is the sum of the energy of all the photons in the space between the planes. The energy density e would then be the total energy of all the photons divided by the volume of vacuum between the planes.
Now, let us imagine that these planes are very close
together and the ends are far away and nearly closed. Let us have TC → TH,
e → 2aTH4,
but this space between the planes is now a black body
cavity in the limit that TC → TH, and we know by Stefan’s
Law that
e = aTH4
in this case. In
addition, we have created a black body cavity radiator here and P for the walls inside the
cavity is actually zero because the interior is in a state of equilibrium and
constant energy density. P is only P = σ T4
just outside the peephole facing an environment at T = 0 K. In the above consensus viewpoint case, each plane surface is
emitting real photons, but these cannot annihilate those photons of the opposite
plane. There are no negative energy
photons. These respective photon streams
simply add to the total energy density.
The consensus treatment of black body thermal radiation
doubles the energy density in a black body cavity, in clear violation of the
principal characteristic of a black body cavity upon which their treatment must
be based. Their treatment greatly
increases the energy density between the planes whenever TC is
anywhere near TH, such as is the case of the temperatures in the
lower troposphere compared to the Earth’s surface temperature. Consequently, the sum of PHI and PCI
must be much smaller than they are thought to be in the consensus treatment of
this problem or in the similar concentric spherical shell problem.
Let us now examine the correct solution to this parallel
plane black body radiators problem. It
is the electromagnetic field between the two planes that governs the flow of
electromagnetic energy between the planes.
Or one can say it is the energy density at each plane surface that
drives the exchange of energy between the planes due to the energy density
gradient between the two planes. The
critical and driving parameter here is
Δe =
eH - eC = aTH4 – aTC4
where each black body radiator surface maintains its
black body radiator requirement that the energy density at the surface is given
by Stefan’s Law.
Electromagnetic energy flows from the high energy surface to the low
energy surface, as is the case in energy flows generally.
PHI = (σ/a) Δe = (σ/a) (aTH4 – aTC4
) = σ TH4
– σ TC4
PCI = 0,
which is consistent with experimental measurements of the
rate of radiant heat flow between two black body radiators. Note that as TC approaches TH,
PHI approaches zero as should be the case inside a black body
cavity in thermal equilibrium. There is no thermal emission from either of the black body cavity walls then. Note also that when TC = 0 K, PHI is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law
PHI = σ TH4.
Let us recalculate PH and PC in
this correct formulation of the problem:
= AσTC4
+ 0 – [AσTH4
- AσTC4]
= 2AσTC4
- AσTH4
= AσTH4
+ [AσTH4
- AσTC4]
- 0 = 2AσTH4
- AσTC4
And we see that the power inputs to each plane needed to
maintain their respective temperatures as they cool themselves by thermal
radiation are unchanged in this correct energy density or electromagnetic field
centered viewpoint from the consensus viewpoint. Experimentally, the relationship between the power inputs
to the thermal radiation emitting planes at given temperatures are exactly the
same. This fact causes the proponents of
the consensus viewpoint to believe they are right, but they nonetheless violate
the energy density requirements of electromagnetic fields and of black body
radiation itself.
Because PCI = 0, back radiation from a cooler atmosphere to the surface
is also zero and not 100% of the top of the atmosphere solar insolation as in
the current NASA Earth Energy Budget. Because PHI = σ TH4 – σ TC4 , the Earth's
surface does not radiate 117% of the top of the atmosphere insolation
either. These radiation flows are hugely exaggerated by NASA and in
similar Earth Energy Budgets presented in the UN IPCC reports. See the NASA
Earth Energy Budget below:

This is very important
because reducing these two radiant energy flows of infrared photons reduces the
effect of infrared-active gases, the so-called greenhouse gases,
drastically. Many fewer photons are actually available to be absorbed or emitted by greenhouse gases than they imagine. This is a principal error that should cause the global
climate computer models to greatly exaggerate the effects of the greenhouse gases, just
as they have.
As I have pointed out in the past, one fatal consequence of the
exaggeration of thermal radiation from the surface of the Earth is readily
calculated from the fact that even if the atmosphere acted as a black body
absorber, which it does not, it can only absorb the thermal radiation said to
be emitted from the surface at an absurdly low atmospheric temperature. Observe that the power of infrared radiation
from the surface which is absorbed by the atmosphere PSA is
PSA = σ ( TS4 – TA4)
PSA = (1.17 – 0.12) (340 W/m2)
The first equation is from the discussion above with
TS the surface temperature and TA the temperature of the
atmosphere. The second is according to the NASA Earth
Energy Budget above. If one takes TS
to be 288K, then the temperature of the atmosphere required to absorb as much
infrared energy as NASA claims is absorbed is 155.4K. There is no such low temperature in the Earth’s
atmosphere. To find so low a
temperature, one has to go far out into the solar system many times the radius
of Earth’s orbit. That being the case,
any such thermal radiation absorbed by matter at such a low temperature is as
much lost in the Earth Energy Budget as is the power equal to 12% of the solar insolation
emitted from the Earth’s surface which NASA allows passes through the
atmospheric window into space. It should
be apparent to the reader that the NASA Earth Energy Budget is nonsense.
It is not at all surprising that physics adheres to a
minimum total energy in the system and does not generate a superfluous stream
of photons from the colder body to the warmer body and does not have any more
photons flowing to the colder body from the warmer body than necessary. By means of the electromagnetic field between
these two planes, the photon emission of the planes is coupled and affected by
the presence of the other plane. This is
in no way surprising for an electromagnetic field problem. One needs to remember that photons are
creatures of electromagnetic fields. Opposing streams of
photons do not annihilate one another to cancel out energy, they simply add
their energies. Treating them as though one stream has a negative energy
and the other a positive energy is just a means to throw the use of the
Conservation of Energy out the window. That is too critical a principle
of physics to be tossed out the window.
Extending the Solution
to Gray Body Thermal Radiators and Other Real Materials:
Many real materials do
not behave like black body radiators of thermal radiation. Those that do not radiate as black body
materials would, radiate less than the black body radiator would. Why would they radiate less? This is because they do not create as high an
electromagnetic field energy density at their surfaces as does a black body
radiator. From Stefan’s Law for a black
body radiator, the energy density at the surface is
e = aT4
but for a gray body
radiator the energy density at each wavelength λ is
e(λ) = εaT4.
This means the energy
density at any given frequency is a constant fraction ɛ of that of a black body
radiator, with 0 ≤ ɛ ≤ 1.
In general, a material
may not behave like either a black body or a gray body radiator at a particular
wavelength. In that case,
e(λ) = ε(λ)aT4,
where the fraction of
the black body output at wavelength λ is variable.
An isolated material
surrounded by vacuum and a T=0 K environment then has a power per unit area
output of
= εσT4 for a gray body and ε is seen to be the emissivity, and
P(λ) = ε(λ)σT4,
for a general material, such as carbon dioxide or water vapor, where the absorption and emission become variable fractions of that of a black body as a function of wavelength.
For our two parallel
plates above, if both are gray bodies, then between the plates
Δe = eH – eC
= εH a TH4 – εC a TC4
PHI = (σ/a) Δe = εH σ TH4
– εC σ TC4
PCI = 0.
Here we see that the emissivity which determines the
electromagnetic field energy density at the surface is also playing the role of
the absorptivity at the absorbing colder surface. So of course, Kirchhoff’s Law of thermal
radiation that the emissivity equals the absorptivity of a material in a steady state process applies. There is really nothing at all
to prove if one starts with the primary fact and boundary condition that the
energy density is the fundamental driver of the thermal radiation of materials.
Update: Considerable additions were made on 8 November 2017.
Update: Additions made on 12 November 2017.
Update: The extension to gray bodies and other bodies was made on 14 November 2017.
Update: Explanatory additions on 27 November 2017.
Update: Further explanatory text added on 29 November 2017.
Update: Further efforts to help the reader to understand this post and to provide the reader a reason to read it in the introductory paragraphs on 24 March 2018. I am amazed how difficult many readers find it to alter their viewpoint of thermal radiation even when they have no counter argument to my argument presented here.
Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D
I have been reading your papers with interest. You remind me of myself except your mathematics and physics is at a level way above mine.
This paper is written at a high level maths and physics level and there is little lower level language that describes your high level outcomes. I am having difficulty grasping this paper in full.
I don’t quote understand the concept of the black body cavity in a vacuum and how that relates to our real world atmosphere.
Your 2015 paper Why Greenhouse Gas Theory is Wrong -- An Examination of the Theoretical Basis https://objectivistindividualist.blogspot.com/2015/03/why-greenhouse-gas-theory-is-wrong.html is written in an easy to understand language. I find myself agreeing very closely with this paper.
I question one small part.
“The limited radiation from the Earth's surface that can be absorbed by carbon dioxide is almost entirely absorbed within 100 or 200 meters from the surface”
Then you later said:
“The absorption mean free path for carbon dioxide is variously reported as 25, 33, and 47 m . . . according to the calculations of Nasif Nahle in his July 2010 paper”
I used his 2011 paper working off 33 metres.
Determination of Quantum/Waves Mean Free Path Length of and Total Emissivity of the Carbon Dioxide Considering the Molecular Cross Section of Carbon Dioxide.
By Nasif Sabag Nahle 10 April 2011 Nahle, 2011b
I can’t get access to his 2010 paper.
I wrote a similar paper to yours.
Delay Time for Terrestrial InfraRed Radiation to escape Earth's Atmosphere-2020b
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32477.64481
With a mean free path of 33 metres, an IR photon would collide with and get absorbed and emitted by just 6 CO2 molecules in those first 200 metres. I can’t see how you can get all the IR radiation from the Earth’s surface entirely absorbed by just 6 molecules.
This is my only real question with your paper.
I would be interested to hear your comments on another related paper I wrote.
Can InfraRed radiation energy from RAG molecules heat the Earth?
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35982.69446
I agree with your conclusion that additional infrared active gases have a cooling effect.
Your discussion on collisions is interesting. Not covered in almost all the other published literature on the subject.
Your comparative discussion with the Moon’s surface I found interesting. I watched all those Apollo missions live at the time. I still can’t fathom how they walked around on a lunar surface that was close to 90 Deg C in temperature without melting their boots.
Your analysis of the Kiehl-Trenberth energy budget is excellent.
I agree with your discussion on the gravitational effect of surface temperature, the ideal gas law and Loschmidt.
You mentioned towards the end of your paper.
“Coral and shellfish have actually been so effective in converting carbon dioxide into limestone sediments over the eons that they are responsible for the Earth having too little atmospheric carbon dioxide now for the good of plants and animals.”
I have written another paper on this very subject, it is still undergoing review. From other scientific papers on the rates of permanent sequestration of CO2 out of the ocean/atmosphere system and into limestone, I have calculated there is just 50,000 years left before we run out.
Hi Brendan,
The above paper was written to correct the misconception that a surface in thermal equilibrium with another surface emits photons with a power given by sigma times the fourth power of the surface temperature. It would only do that if it were not in equilibrium with any other surface at a non-zero temperature. There are some complicating factors regarding what the conditions for thermal equilibrium actually are.
You said:"With a mean free path of 33 metres, an IR photon would collide with and get absorbed and emitted by just 6 CO2 molecules in those first 200 metres. I can’t see how you can get all the IR radiation from the Earth’s surface entirely absorbed by just 6 molecules."
The radiation from the surface is not all absorbed by the atmosphere. An important fraction escapes without absorption through the range of wavelengths of the atmospheric window. What is absorbed by the atmosphere by CO2 is absorbed in say 33 meters and then is transferred by air molecule collisions to the molecules surrounding the absorbing CO2 molecule. It then rises slowly in a convection current and that rising air cools. Occasionally, one of the CO2 molecules radiates energy to a cooler layer of air above it where that energy is again transferred to the air molecules around the absorbing CO2 molecule. This sudden leap of a photon's worth of energy can be viewed as a cooling process relative to the alternative transport upward of that energy by convection.
Why did I say that the surface radiation that could be absorbed by CO2 molecules was absorbed in the lower 200 meters of the atmosphere? The mean free path, say 33 meters, is just that, a mean. Sometimes a CO2 molecule will absorb radiation at a distance of 10 meters, and sometimes (rarely) the first absorption will be at 200 meters. Only a very small fraction of the CO2 absorptions of photons from the surface will occur at altitudes above 200 meters. That fraction of first absorptions above 200 meters is 0.0023. This is the remainder of the fraction absorbed, given by e(-200/33) - 1 = 0.9977.
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